MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center

Employment / Temp / StaffingConsultant
- One Arch Place, 2nd Floor Greenfield MA 01301
- (413) 774-4361
- (800) 457-2603
- (413) 774-2954
- Send Email
Greenfield office: M-Th, 8:30-4:30, Friday 9:30-4:30
See website for hours at other access points
Driving Directions:
See website
About Us
MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center provides employment and training services to job seekers and employers in Franklin County, Hampshire County, and the North Quabbin area. We connect job seekers and employers. Job seekers will find a variety of job search tools and training opportunities to help find the ideal career or career pathway. We assist employers with recruitment, job posting, hiring incentives, and statewide business assistance programs.
Our full service career center is located in Greenfield, Massachusetts. We also have access points at the Forbes Library in Northampton, MA and another in The Literacy Project Office in Orange, MA. Please see our calendars page or contact the Greenfield Career Center for more information on services and office hours at our satellite access points.