Monday Nov 20, 2023 Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
November 20th: 7am November 21st: 6am
November 20th Start: MLK Community Center: 3 Rutland Drive Springfield MA 01109 End: WRSI Radio Station- 15 Hampton Ave Northampton MA 01060 November 21st Start: Corner of Pleasant St and Hampden Ave Northampton MA 01060 End: Hawks and Reed: 289 Main St Greenfield Ma 01301
Risley Dudley
Event Coordinator
Send Email
Each November, the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts with Monte Belmonte lead the March against hunger through the Pioneer Valley. Pushing an empty shopping cart 43 miles from Springfield to Greenfield. Monte is joined by Congressman Jim McGovern, Food Bank Executive Director Andrew Morehouse, and several supporters from the Western MA communities as they raise funds to help provide healthy meals to neighbors at risk of hunger. The community is encouraged to make donations by phone or online to benefit the Food Bank’s mission while Monte and the marchers make their way across three counties. This year, our goal is to raise $500,000 – the equivalent of 1,500,000 meals!
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Amherst Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
35 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01002 – 413-253-0700 –